The Great Business Communication platform that is easy to use and flexible

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What is Office Caller?

Office caller is an easy-to-manage business phone app that allows users to make or receive business calls. Users can work from anywhere and manage their business lines and hours without any hassle. The app allows users to make phone calls, transfer and forward calls, and much more at ease using any device, be it Android or iOS mobile devices or PC.

Users can make unlimited domestic, international and bulk calls using the app. Apart from phone calls, the app allows communication via emails and messages, and much more, all at one place.

The app is great business communication platform that is easy to use and flexible. Users can communicate with prospects, customers, vendors, and more using the Office Caller app.

Our Aim

The main purpose of Office Caller app is not only to make business calls, but also record details regarding leads and candidates.

Our Services

The Office Caller app offer Business Lead management via call and Recruitment management.


Users receive inquiry calls from prospects or clients. The details of the calls will be recorded in the app.


The users receive inquiries sent by the clients via e-mail.


Clients can also send inquiries via messages in the Office Caller app.

Business/Lead Management via Call

Business leads are people who might be interested in a product or service offered by your company.

The Office Caller app allows business lead generation and management through calls.

It is a common practice to generate leads through calls. When an inquiry call happens through the office caller app, the details of the caller and important information with regard to the call are recorded. These details can be used in the future in case the prospect becomes a qualified lead.

How this works?

Leads and Lead Management

Leads are the prospects who may eventually become clients.

Prospects can be converted to leads based on follow up calls by users. Users can look through prospect details stored in the Office Caller app, contact them again. They can then communicate with them and motivate them to become clients.

Users can prioritise the leads at this stage.

The leads are categorised as:

  • Won leads- Leads who have been converted into clients
  • Hot leads –High priority
  • Warm leads –Medium priority
  • Cold leads – Low priority

About Us

Office Caller is an Indian company founded in 2009 in Pune, India by Mr. Sameer Kutty. The brilliant concept behind Office caller is such that any organization could manage their business calls using one single Application. We offer you an all-in-one toolkit that combines chat, calling, meetings, and collaborations for you to work smarter. Our aim is to provide employees with a modern day calling solution within an easy-to-use platform.

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